Thursday, September 13, 2012

The road to the Balkan League

Leauge of Legends - Balkan League
The Balkan league online qualifiers have finished. The 4 remaining teams from Greece, Romania, Croatia and Bulgaria will now go forward to the finals. These teams will be attending live at the International fair of Thessaloniki on the 15th and 16th of September to determine an overall winner.

From Greece, 120 teams participated in the online qualifiers for the honour of appearing at the Balkan tournament. inQuire game came away as the top team, with players – Maraxus, alexanderthegr8, TW Xawl, TW Oathbraker and ownerftw . In second place were Soulfire gaming and third place Test your limits. Here’s some information on the players of inQuire gaming:

Giannis “Xawl” Mitrolios – 21 years old – Jungler
Expert Jungler of the team. Renowned for his Shyvana play and ability to anticipate the counter gank. Always terrorizing other lanes with an unorthodox ganking style. Favorite champion is Twisted fate.

Babis “Ownerftw” Raftopoulos – 22 years old – Top lane
One of the most renowned top laners in Greece, always plays very aggressively but also loves to farm farm farm. Favorite champion is Karma

Nikos “Oathbraker” Haralabelis – 19 years old – AD Carry
Has shown magnificent plays with different kinds of carry’s like Kog and tristana, and tries to go against trending champions. Favorite champion is Teemo

Marios “Maraxus” Haralabelis – 19 years old – AP Carry
Always makes his enemy fight to get a skill shot on to him. Tends to roam the map when his enemy AP carry has left the lane. Favorite champion is Volibear

Alekos “alexanderthegr8” Vasilakis – 19 years old – Support
Like his AD Carry, always plays against trends and likes to always try and support with an AD Soraka or AD Janna. Favorite champion is Soraka

In Romania, 32 teams participated in the online qualifiers for the right to represent Romania at the Balkan tournament. ESL Romania LoL have won the Romanian online qualifiers with players – Zombilau, GaBaNo, Scorpion, AoD and noskill007. In second place we have Pandora Gaming! In third place Going Quantum. Here’s some information on the players of ESL Romania LoL:

Baltat "AoD" Alin Ciprian – 19 years old – Support
He claims to be “never wrong” and you have a better chance of flying to outer space than make him admit to a mistake. Nevertheless an experienced player with lots of games against big teams such as M5, TSM, SK, MYM, CRS etc.

Ciobotaru "GaBaNo" Gabriel – 16 years old – Top Lane
The highest Elo of the team. His wide range of champions can always mislead his opponents making him unpredictable, thus most teams prefer to counter his top lane, although even if he gets countered he can still win with ease. GaBaNo has been most of his career in the same team with AoD.

Dinu "noskill" Alexandru Gabriel – 19 years old – AP Carry
Newest member of the team. Has shown himself to be a fearless opponents and a respected member of the team. He wants to prove that he is one of the best players in the world and his longtime experience playing with AoD and GaBaNo puts ESL Romania LoL in a strong position.

Alinei "Scorpion" Alin-Mihai – 17 years old – AD Carry
He is known for playing the most unconventional carries. His experience with the game is vast and is one of the few Romanian players who have won a go4lol.

Pirjol "Zombilau" Florin-Alexandru – 21 years old – Jungler
Zombilau is the Team captain of ESL Romania LoL. He is the oldest and most experienced player of the team. His only goal is to prove his skill in competitive play.

All in all, 180 teams participated from all countries battling for a seat to represent their country for the first Balkan League. Congratulations on all 4 teams for qualifying and good luck to all teams taking part. We look forward to watching the ultimate battle to determine the winner of the Balkan League!

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